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Changzhou Huaihai drying equipment collagen granulator is unstoppable

Sources:本站 | Release date: 2019-08-09 | Views:397
Description:Zhejiang Biotech Co., Ltd. ordered the special granulator of collagen company of our company has been installed, the process debugging is successful, it will be put into production!Our companys special granulator for collagen has sold more than 20 set…

Zhejiang Biotech Co., Ltd. ordered the special granulator of collagen company of our company has been installed, the process debugging is successful, it will be put into production!

Our company's special granulator for collagen has sold more than 20 sets, which won the trust and recognition of customers and friends! ! !

With the advancement of science and technology and the increasing demand for consumption, people are advocating green and returning to the natural awareness. Chemicals and foods that use collagen as a raw material and additives are highly regarded. Collagen is widely used in biomaterials, health care products, cosmetics, food, medicine and other fields. The demand is increasing, and the industry's development prospects are expected.

Since the end of the 20th century, the collagen industry has shown rapid development. Especially in China, the market demand for collagen will grow at a rate of no less than 20% in the next few years. According to statistics from China Research Institute, from 2001 to 2009, the annual compound growth rate of global collagen demand exceeded 17.25%; China's collagen market consumption in 2006 was about 3,000 tons, and consumption in 2009 reached 8,000 tons. The annual demand in 2015 is expected to reach 20,000 tons, with an average annual compound growth rate of 23.47%.

Shangpu Consulting Pharmaceutical Industry analyst pointed out that the development potential of China's collagen industry is huge, mainly reflected in the following four aspects: First, the purchasing power of residents' consumption is constantly upgrading, and the enhancement of people's economic strength has laid a good foundation for the rapid development of the collagen industry; Second, the rapid development of the downstream industry directly expands the scale of the collagen market. Collagen is a natural protein, which is widely used in many fields such as health care, cosmetics, medicine, food, etc. for its high performance, laying a foundation for the rapid development of the collagen industry. A solid consumption base; Third, as people pay more attention to health, looking for green healthy foods and health products, returning to nature has become the mainstream of society. As a natural protein, collagen is rich in nutrients, low in calories, high in biological activity, and highly biocompatible. It makes collagen a green and healthy product and is favored by people. Fourth, the national industrial policy is strong. Support, provide policy guarantee for industry development. In 2010, the State Council passed the “Decision of the State Council on Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of Strategic Emerging Production”, which determined the key directions, main tasks and supporting policies for the development of strategic emerging industries. The bio-industry to which the company belongs is determined by the “decision”. One of the seven key development areas. Collagen is a natural protein product. The “high-tech field supported by the state” lists “protein/peptide/nucleic acid drugs” in “medical biotechnology” as a technology that supports development.

According to the “2011 China Bio-Collagen Protein Line Market Analysis and Investment Trend Research Report” released by Shangpu Consulting, collagen is an emerging green health product. As the market demand continues to heat up, the industry is growing and growing, and consumer demand The diversification trend will be presented, the market will be further subdivided, and its application fields will continue to expand. New downstream industries will continue to emerge and the industry will enter the development express train.

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